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Must See LP: American Patriot Takes Righteous Message To The Streets; Literally!

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  • Must See LP: American Patriot Takes Righteous Message To The Streets; Literally!

    Must See LP: American Patriot Takes Righteous Message To The Streets; Literally!

    Birther Report



    Virginia Is For Lovers Birthers: American Patriot Takes Righteous Message To The Streets

    Normally I do not publish private messages sent here via the contact form linked above in the menu bar but the following message from a reader was just too good to pass up. His initial message then some follow-up questions;

    Your site is the first place I go every day. Several times a day. I live in Virginia and have a personalized license plate that says "BIRTHER". Some people know what it really means but most do not. Thanks for all you do on the site - it's great!


    Birther Report: How long have you been following this issue?

    American Patriot: I have been following the issue since before the 2008 election.

    Birther Report: How long have you had the license plate?

    American Patriot: I got the plate just last September (2013). I had the idea a long time ago but never followed through until recently. (In Virginia you can order your plate online, so it's real easy.)

    Birther Report: What has the reaction been in regards to the license plate?

    American Patriot: No one on the roads or in parking lots has said anything to me about the plate. My friends and coworkers either "get it", or they don't. The ones that get it ask, "do you really believe that?" It's a great introduction into a very interesting topic. (The ones that don't get it have no idea, or they think it's something to do with my wife and me having 5 children.)

    Birther Report: What are your thoughts on our elected officials inaction in regards to this issue?

    American Patriot: Our elected officials are all aware that something's up with Obama's birth certificate and other documentation, and of course I find it hard to believe they won't do anything. But I know the reason and it's very simple: ridicule. People in office can't stand being ridiculed. It's a very strong weapon, and in fact it's the only weapon. If there's something that people disagree with you about (especially those on the left), they call you a name - a derogatory name. That name ridicules you. They never discuss the merits of the actual issue, because they would lose the argument, so they call you a name. In our case it's "birther". Anyone who is a "birther" must be crazy, a fringe element, a lunatic. A birther cannot be re-elected, so you can't be in office and question Obama's documents.

    Birther Report: What are your thoughts on our news media's failure to vet Obama and accurately report this issue?

    American Patriot: When it comes to the media, that's a little harder. I believe the mainstream media reporters, like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc, love Obama and will do anything to protect him. They agree with his agenda. If it was Bush or Reagan, this would be all over the news, all the time. The news is controlled at the top, and a very few decide what is news and what isn't. But with Limbaugh, Hannity, and especially Ann Coulter, I cannot understand how they ignore this. Ann Coulter actually believes he was born in Hawaii and it's a non-issue. I would love to meet any of these 3 and discuss this in detail.

    Thankfully we live in a country where freedom of speech is protected. My tag is free speech, and it's protected. It's the strongest statement I can make about the issue in 7 characters, and people take notice because I went to the trouble of getting it imprinted permanently into a piece of metal. [.]

    There you have it folks. Virginia is for Birthers! Who will be the next to add another state to the list? 56 more!?

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman