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Obama Classmate At Fox News: We Have A CON MAN In The White House; Election Rigged

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  • Obama Classmate At Fox News: We Have A CON MAN In The White House; Election Rigged

    Obama Classmate At Fox News: We Have A CON MAN In The White House; Election Rigged

    Birther Report



    Is there a con man in the Oval Office?
    By Wayne Allyn Root @ Fox News

    I keep asking myself: why Syria? Why now?

    No war in America history has ever been opposed by 71% of the citizens, or 75% of the military.

    That’s how absurd and unnecessary this potential war is.

    Then, when you realize Obama has had so many scandals and failures to hide, war is the perfect cover story to mask the most disastrous record in modern presidential history.

    Obama is a desperate man. He has to cover-up the truth.

    We have a CON MAN in the White House.

    The sad thing is…it’s working.

    The media headlines should be about the massive IRS scandal ordered by the Obama administration and aimed at Tea Parties, Obama critics, and GOP donors. Because it’s no longer in the headlines…because of Syria hogging the media spotlight…no one is mentioning that the IRS attacks on conservative leaders and groups changed the outcome of the 2012 presidential election.

    In other words,I believe that Obama used the IRS to fix the election.

    Without IRS attacks, intimidation, and interference, Tea Party groups would have had the same influence as 2010 -- when their raging energy and passionate “fire and brimstone” led directly to the biggest Republican Congressional landslide in modern history.

    Does anyone doubt that?

    Heck we now have emails from IRS officials stating exactly that -- that Tea Parties had to be stopped if Democrats wanted to win the election.

    Suddenly, mysteriously, in 2012 all the energy and momentum went out of the Tea Party movement.

    Now we know why.

    Obama used the IRS to fix the presidential election. Instead of massive Tea Party rallies and record-setting fundraising for conservative candidates, Tea Parties were busy being distracted, hounded, harassed, and intimidated by the IRS.

    [...] Continued @ Fox News. Hat tip Crystallite.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman