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See the man who challenges Obama's family story -- WND, Bob Unruh

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  • See the man who challenges Obama's family story -- WND, Bob Unruh

    See the man who challenges Obama's family story

    Joel Gilbert rips silent media at National Press Club


    Bob Unruh


    "A filmmaker whose full-length documentary, “Dreams from My Real Father,” presents a compelling case that Communist Party USA propagandist Frank Marshall Davis is Barack Obama’s biological father, is challenging the U.S. media to begin reporting the truth about the likely Democrat nominee for president in 2012.

    Joel Gilbert, whose website details his research, appeared recently at the National Press Club in Washington to talk about the questions raised in his film.

    “What strikes me as most disturbing is that any one of the hundreds of American journalists in this building could win the Pulitzer Prize just by writing about the evidence presented in ‘Dreams from My Real Father,’” he said.

    A journalist, after all, is supposed to report the news, truthfully and fairly, he argues.

    He cited the National Press Club bronze that lists the “Journalist’s Creed,” as written by Walter Williams when he founded the Missouri School of Journalism more than a century ago.

    It states: “That journalists must be public trustees with the full measure of responsibility to the public. That accuracy and fairness are fundamental to good journalism. That a single standard of truth must prevail for all.”

    Pointedly, he noted the credo states “that suppression of the news is indefensible.”

    “The Journalist’s Creed is like the doctor’s Hippocratic Oath, but for journalists. Imagine if all physicians chose to ignore the Hippocratic Oath? We’d all get sick. In this case, we are all becoming badly infected with Marxism,” Gilbert told WND.

    He said that American journalists have been in the pocket of the Obama campaign and administration, in violation of those precepts for journalists.

    “I accuse ABC, NBC, and CBS network news divisions of violating the public trust by refusing to cover my documentary film and for ignoring all the revelations about Obama’s background that other researchers have produced,” he said. “I accuse MSNBC of an intentional and often vile campaign of lies and misrepresentations to protect Barack Obama’s false narrative.”

    He noted that one “leftist website-based news organization” even obtained a review copy, copied parts and put them on YouTube, and “wrote that now people don’t need to buy the film.”

    “The public looks to all of the news organizations in this building, the National Press Club, for truth,” he said. “However, an astounding number, almost all of them, have all failed to live up to the Journalist’s Creed, and thus failed their responsibility to the public. Only a very few news organizations, like WND, Drudge Report, USA Survival and a handful of independent journalists like Jack Cashill, have done their jobs as journalists – with courage and honesty.”

    He said his investigation shows that “Barack Obama [built] his political career upon a fairy tale.

    “There was no Obama family; he is not the son of a Kenyan goat herder,” Gilbert said.

    “All evidence points to a sham marriage to cover an illicit affair between Ann Dunham and Frank Marshall Davis,” he said. “All evidence indicates that Barack Obama was raised and indoctrinated by Frank Marshall Davis, a Community Party USA propagandist, during his formative years.”


    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman