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  • I think FRANK MARSHALL DAVIS was Obama's real BIO-FATHER!

    I think the postulated ghostwriter, Frank Marshall Davis, revealed the identity of BHO-II's REAL BIO FATHER to be HIMSELF, instead of the African, Barack Obama Sr., by use of 19 year old Obama's acclaimed poem, ‘Pop’!

    The author, Jack Cashill has been discussing the possibility of FMD being Obama's bio father for several years, so the concept is definitely not new. However, his theory has now been given considerable added credibility due to the recent work of Jerome R. Corsi and Joel Gilbert, as discussed below.

    (1) First, consider the article, linked below: Just Who Is Obama's "Pop?", by Jack Cashill, – February 18, 2010


    "A clear-eyed review of “Pop” addresses three basic questions: who is the “Pop” of the poem, how literal is the designation “Pop,” and who actually wrote the poem, which begins as follows:

    Sitting in his seat, a seat broad and broken
    In, sprinkled with ashes,
    Pop switches channels, takes another
    Shot of Seagrams, neat, and asks
    What to do with me, a green young man

    About the identity of “Pop,” reviewers express little doubt. The New Yorker, for instance, unhesitatingly describes the poem as a “loving if slightly jaded portrait of Obama’s maternal grandfather,” Stanley Dunham. I could find no mainstream publication that even suggests otherwise.

    The poem ends with bittersweet reconciliation when Pop stands and asks for a hug. Writes Obama:

    I see my face, framed within
    Pop's black-framed glasses
    And know he's laughing too.

    Dunham did, in fact, wear black frame glasses. What he did not do, however, was go by the name “Pop.” Obama had always known him as “Gramps.”

    No review that I read asked why Obama would switch names. None asked whether Dunham was his actual father despite the fact that in the poem Obama seems to be confronting “Pop” with his paternity.

    A closer look at “Pop” suggests that it is … about Dunham’s boozy comrade, Frank Marshall Davis.

    The whiskey drinking, the smoking, the black frame glasses, the broken-in chair fit Davis, a black communist and poet, as well as they do Stanley Dunham.

    “I could see Frank sitting in his overstuffed chair,” Obama remembers in Dreams, “a book of poetry in his lap, his reading glasses slipping down his nose.”

    As to the sharing of sage advice, that description fits Davis better. “I was intrigued by old Frank,” Obama writes in Dreams, “with his books and whiskey breath and the hint of hard-earned knowledge behind the hooded eyes.”

    Davis was an important figure in Obama’s life. Obama alludes to him on nine separate occasions in Dreams. It was he, not Dunham, who told “this green young man” how America would deny him his blackness.

    “They’ll train you so good,” Davis tells Obama in Dreams, “you’ll start believing what they tell you about equal opportunity and the American way and all that sh--.”

    More to the point, “Pop” does something that Davis would naturally do but that Dunham would not: he “recites an old poem.”

    The first time the reader meets Davis in Dreams Obama refers to him as “a poet named Frank.” Writes Obama, “[ Davis] would read us his poetry whenever we stopped by his house, sharing whiskey with Gramps out of an emptied jelly jar.”

    (2) Jerome Corsi has recently stated that he considers Davis to be the #1 Candidate for BHO-II’s bio father, as stated in the below linked video covering an interview with him reporting from Hawaii (10:30 to 11:10 marks):

    (3) Corsi’s statement is substantiated by some of the revelations cited in the following article, which concerns a soon-to-be-released movie directed by Joel Gilbert :

    Film: President’s father not Barack Obama
    Jerome R. Corsi


    “Who’s your real Daddy?” is a question that remarkably continues to dog Barack Obama, even as he proceeds into his fourth year as president.

    With the release this July of Joel Gilbert’s full-length documentary, “Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception,” the mystery deepens regarding who Obama really is."

    Gilbert’s research turned shocking when he obtained seven indecent photos of Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, at Frank Marshall Davis’ house, suggesting an intimate connection between Dunham and Davis.

    “I was not happy to include these racy photos in the film but found it necessary to substantiate the intimate relationship between the two,” he said. “Those photos ended up in a men’s mail-order catalog of nude women, likely sold to them by Davis. I placed black bars on parts of the photos to be respectful.”

    View the 2 1/2 minute video: 'Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception' at:

    View the 'Obama's Real Father (Dreams from My Real Father)' website at:

    View comparison photos of BHO-II, BHO Sr. and Frank Marshall Davis at:

    In conclusion, I believe the above discussed article by Jack Cashill further substantiates the argument that Frank Marshall Davis is indeed BHO-II’s real bio father.

    Ann Dunham was the mother and BHO-II was born August 4, 1961 at the Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya, as proven by the widely distributed ‘Lucas Daniel Smith, Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate’.

    Thus, when Obama was sent at about age 10 by his mother from Indonesia to Hawaii to live with her parents, he was actually being sent to a place that would allow frequent contact with his REAL father, the Communist, Frank Marshall Davis. The transfer had the further advantage of getting him away from the political influence of Lolo, her Indonesian husband at the time, who was working with the anti-communist regime of Suharto.

    CAVEAT: The evidence seems to indicate that FMD and perhaps even Ann Dunham, Obama's mother, both at least BELIEVED that FMD was the bio father. However, it is possible that she was having sexual relations with BOTH FMD and Barack Obama Sr. in the Fall of 1960, so Sr. can NOT yet be ruled out as the real bio father. Ann may not have known who the real bio father was.

    From the Free Republic thread: -- Comment #152 by Seizethecarp, in reply to Comment #131 by GregNH. -- "The pictures of Barry's two half-brothers are from Mark Ndesandjo’s family photo collection, IIRC, and were taken in around 1968. Mark is the older boy and David, whom Mark claims is deceased, is the younger one who looks so much like Barry. ... For me the resemblance of Barry to his half-brother David is one of the best indicators that they share the same father." -- See also the photos at Comment #130 and Comment #202

    OBAMA - The Marxist 'Manchurian' Muslim from Mombasa

    Use the authentic 'Lucas Daniel Smith, Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate' as a simple, powerful, supremely incriminating tool to convince the American People to ratchet up the pressure on the Kenyan usurper!
    Last edited by bsteadman; 09-28-2012, 08:49 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    I think it within the realm of possibility that Frank Marshall Davis may have carelessly allowed Ann Dunham to get pregnant during their likely November 1960 'affair' in Honolulu.

    FMD was born December 31, 1905 and he was 54 and married at the time of their possible liaison. He was not just some 18 year old college student like Ann. Surely, he knew how to 'prevent babies' but apparently neglected to take proper precautions while bedding Ann. Why?

    Perhaps an irresponsible FMD had no real objection to the possibility of a secret little, radical-left, FMD offspring being set loose upon the world.

    Consider the information given in the following article, written by a professional female psychotherapist:

    Stanley Ann Dunham and the Left's Exploitation of Women

    American Thinker

    Robin of Berkeley


    Reader Advisory: Sexual Content

    "Obama's mother, the oddly named Stanley Ann, died of cancer about fifteen years ago. There's little known about Stanley Ann, aside from the details provided by Obama and his handlers. Of course, the truth about Obama's past is shrouded in secrecy.

    But what can be pieced together about Obama's mom from the information at hand? For one, Stanley Ann was given her strange name by her strange father, Stanley Dunham, who desired a boy instead. Dunham was a volatile, hard-drinking man, who was expelled from high school for punching his principal. Mental illness may have run in the Dunham family; as a boy, Stanley discovered his mother dead of an apparent suicide.

    We can make some inferences about Stanley Ann's childhood based on how her parents raised young Barry. Stanley Dunham designated the purported Communist, bisexual pedophile, Frank Marshall Davis, as Barry's mentor. Not only was Barry left alone with Davis, but Davis and Dunham would booze and tell dirty jokes in the boy's presence. Given the poor judgment Dunham exercised, he likely raised his daughter in the same reckless manner.

    As for Stanley Ann's mom, Madelyn Dunham, she was the main breadwinner of the family; however, she, like most women of that generation, deferred to her husband. Thus, she allowed him to choose their daughter's peculiar name.

    Madelyn also permitted Frank Marshall Davis to carouse and smoke pot with her husband, even to mentor the impressionable Barry. Of course, Obama demonstrated no warmth towards his grandmother whom he dismissed as a "typical white person."

    What else can we deduce about Stanley Ann? There's conjecture that Stanley Ann was raised in a radical family with Communist leanings. She spent her adolescence on progressive Mercer Island; the left-leaning Unitarian Church they attended there was known as the Little Red Church, while the school board's chairman was a self-identified communist. Of course, the family's connection with Frank Marshall Davis lends credence to the theory of a radical childhood.

    As the official story goes, Stanley Ann met Obama Sr. at college, and their relationship produced Barack. However, American Thinker's Jack Cashill has highlighted doubts about Obama's paternity, including the possibility that Frank Marshall Davis may be the father.

    If Obama Sr. were Obama's father, this is a troubling scenario since Senior was a married man, seven years older, with an apparent alcohol problem. But even more disturbing is the prospect of Frank Marshall Davis being Obama's father. Davis was decades older than Stanley Ann, and a purported pedophile. Davis penned a thinly veiled memoir celebrating his and his wife's sexual relationship with a 13 year old girl.

    It was highly unusual for girls in the 1950's to have interracial relationships, much less babies, with a man of a difference race. During this time, however, the Communist Party of the United States encouraged women members to use their feminine wiles to entice men, especially black men, into the movement, as well as to reward the ones who joined up. Did Communist brainwashing play some role in Stanley Ann's choice of partners and her subsequent pregnancy?

    Davis himself boasted, "The number of white babes interested in at least one meeting with a Negro male has been far more than I can handle." If Frank Marshall Davis were truly Obama's father, was Stanley Ann one of his many conquests?

    While there is no way of knowing, there are reasons to be concerned. The American Left certainly has a long history of exploiting women. For instance, during the 60's, Leftist girls were expected to, according to the slogan: Say Yes to Boys Who Say No [to the Draft].

    Much of the Left's dirty laundry has been expunged and reconstructed, particularly regarding its treatment of women. But women have always been viewed as the movement's maids -- and their mattresses. In the 60‘s, radical girls were expected to serve the food, as well as service the men sexually.

    Activist Stokely Carmichael articulated the general vibe in an infamous, and candid, response. When asked the role of women in the Students for a Democratic Society, Carmichael replied, "The position of women in the movement is prone."

    Radical women were brainwashed to believe that they needed to sacrifice their bodies for the Revolution. The women of the Weather Underground, for example, were required to have sex with any male who asked for it.

    If a woman balked and demanded equality, she was told that women's rights were secondary to liberating blacks and stopping the war. (Interestingly, the early suffragists were also instructed to put their needs on hold, which is why American women couldn't vote until 1920, 50 years after black men.)

    On the rare occasion that a movement woman would protest, she'd face swift and harsh retribution. When SDS member Marilyn Webb dared to take to the stage and advocate for women, she was besieged with cat calls and obscenities. After the event, Webb received death threats.[ii]

    The Left's use and abuse of women did not stop with the 60‘s, nor with the feminist revolution of the 70's, which was launched, in part, because of the misogynist Left. And the Left's misuse of women, the life-bearers, is emblematic of the hypocrisy and the heartlessness that is at the core of the progressive movement.

    Today, we see the sad spectacle of a new female generation being manipulated just like their foremothers. Egged on by radical professors, young women are falling for the same propaganda.

    The pressure to be cool, progressive girls -- along with the media's force feeding of hedonism -- is corrupting millions of young women. And the fallout has been far-reaching, not only in broken lives, but in a public health crisis of STD's, cervical cancer, and abortions.

    Like robotic Stepford Wives, progressive women of all ages follow their mostly male leaders. Even women's studies departments have been hijacked by the Radical Left; feminist professors support Radical Islam, regardless of the honor killings, stoning, and genital mutilation.

    There are so many other women, like the nameless, anonymous readers who have emailed me, sharing their stories, sometimes for the first time. Many of these women were Leftists who turned conservative because of harrowing experiences in radical movements.

    Was Stanley Ann Dunham one of them; was she a brainwashed victim of a Communist upbringing? Or was she simply an independent thinker, who willingly and happily forged her life's path?


    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 07-04-2012, 03:59 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      SPECULATION: Did a condom break occur involving Frank Marshall Davis and Ann Dunham, resulting in her becoming pregnant with a child who would be named Barack Hussein Obama II?

      WARNING: The following post contains explicit sexual content and is suitable only for adult viewing!

      'Sex Rebel- Black (Memoirs of a Gash Gourmet)_Frank Marshall Davis' (pen name: Bob Greene)

      Excerpts from Chapter 7, pages 75 and 76, of the above referenced book:

      Regarding 'Anne'

      "I am not a condom cat. Nevertheless I had bought a package, for I did not want to take a chance on making this sweet child pregnant. I automatically assumed older swingers knew how to protect themselves, but a thirteen-year-old could be precocious but not necessarily sophisticated. I slipped one on and got above her. But I couldn’t enter unless I forced my way in, and I didn’t want to hurt her. Although I am only average size and she had lost her maidenhood, I was still too large for easy entry into her small hole. Finally in desperation I got up to apply vaseline – but the combination of rubber and vaseline was too hard an emotional hazard for me. I lost my hard. I dislike condoms even under the most favorable of circumstances. I prefer the communion of flesh with flesh. After trying fruitlessly to get another erection I gave up, explained why, and apologized profusely. - (bold and underline emphasis added)
      I never again tried to enter her."

      Note that Vaseline® Petroleum Jelly is NOT suitable for lubricating condoms as indicated in the following post:

      Response from Dr. Frascino

      Hello Worried in Miami,

      "That oil-based products like Vaseline are incompatible with latex condoms is something that should be taught in all science-based sex education classes. … As for your specific situation, generally speaking, when a condom fails (breaks), it does so very dramatically. Latex condoms are merely very thin pieces of plastic stretched to the max over a throbbing tallywhacker. Consequently when the latex breaks, it's not subtle. Mr. Happy's head generally comes poking through just like your head pokes through a turtleneck sweater. That you did not notice that your condom broke is encouraging, because that means most likely it didn't. (A break would have been obvious.) The problem with oil-based products like Vaseline is that they actually denature the latex, weakening it and consequently increasing the chances of condom failure." - (bold emphasis added)

      Was communist mentor intimate with Obama's mother?

      Filmmaker reveals new evidence Frank Marshall Davis was president's real father

      View the video titled, 'Dreams From My Real Father: The Intimate Ann Dunham - Frank Marshall Davis Relationship', which was uploaded 6/13/2012 by 'jgil14':

      View the complete 6/15/2012 WND article written by Jerome R. Corsi, including video, at:

      Did the young, University of Hawaii student, Ann Dunham, serve as the inspiration for the fictional character, 'Anne' portrayed in Frank Marshal Davis' book, 'Sex Rebel: Black'?

      Did a condom break occur due to FMD's improper use of Vaseline® on the condom employed during his sexual intimacy with Ann Dunham, resulting in an unwanted pregnancy for her, which ended with the birth of BHO-II at the Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya on August 4, 1961?

      I think it is significant that the 63 year-old author and sex-sophisticate, FMD, specifically mentions the improper condom lubricant, Vaseline® by name in the his story, published in 1968. Perhaps this was his subtle way of acknowledging his serious error and apologizing to the world for having gotten Ann Dunham pregnant. He could have just as easily used the non-specific term, 'lubricant' and retained his 'cool cat' persona. Why admit to the world that he had acted like some ignorant teen-age jerk by using an improper condom lubricant, unless he had a specific reason to do this.

      The now widely used, water-based condom lubricant, K-Y Jelly® was not available OTC until 1980 but it could have easily been obtained at a pharmacy by someone like FMD by prescription, or other means, in late 1960. Alternatively, he could have simply used his own saliva on the condom to provide lubrication. Instead, he apparently used an improper lubricant, experienced a dramatic condom break, and later, realizing his error, chose to use the self-damning term, Vaseline® when writing his semi-autobiographical story about Anne!

      FMD's vivid description of his first and only attempted 'entering' of Anne conveys strong feelings of the embarrassment he experienced in his condom use at that encounter. A dramatic condom break experienced during his intimacy with Ann Dunham in late 1960 would have produced similar feelings of profound embarrassment.

      If a condom break did occur at FMD's house in late 1960, it is likely that the dramatic event would have been noticed shortly after its occurrence by both Ann and FMD. If so, they were most certainly aware at that time of the possibility that a pregnancy could have been initiated.

      Toward the end of FMD's story of 'Anne', on page 78, he states, "Later I learned that soon after reaching home she was knocked up by a Chinese merchant who paid her several thousand dollar to keep quiet" - (bold emphasis added)

      This brings to mind Ann Dunham's 1965 marriage to Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian businessman. The payment reference in the story is also interesting, since it has been speculated that some payment of money was made to Barack Obama Sr. for him to serve as the recorded father of Ann's first child.

      Ann (Anne?) definitely got 'knocked up' by someone in late 1960.

      After my careful study and consideration of FMD's fictional story of young 'Anne', I think it is looking increasingly likely that he is indeed the bio-father of BHO-II.

      I think it is quite possible that Barack Sr. never knew who BHO-II's bio-father was. He may even have been under the impression, due to his own sexual intimacies with Ann, that HE was the bio-father. However, I believe the TRUTH regarding this important matter was very likely known to both Ann and Frank!

      Updated 8/24/2012
      Last edited by bsteadman; 08-24-2012, 05:54 PM.
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Letters point to 'Obama's real father'

        Filmmaker uncovers connection to Honolulu's seedy past


        Jerome R. Corsi


        "New research by Joel Gilbert into Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis’ seedy history in Hawaii has bolstered the filmmaker’s theory that Davis was the biological father of Barack Obama.

        Gilbert has uncovered handwritten letters by Davis that strongly suggest the acknowledged Obama mentor’s pornographic sex novel “Sex Rebel: Black” was based on Davis’ personal life.

        Davis refers to the 1968 book as his “thoroughly erotic autobiography” in a letter to Margaret Burroughs, the well-known African-American artist, whose steamy affair with him, Davis explains, was included in the novel.

        Burroughs, a former Chicago Park District commissioner, co-founded the DuSable Museum of African American History in 1961. The museum serves today as the current depository of an important collection of Davis letters and manuscripts.

        New research by Gilbert has also established that the Davis residence at 2994 Kalihi Street in Honolulu had a seedy past in the sex trade, dating back to the early 1950s, when Davis first moved into the house.

        WND has previously reported Gilbert argues in his full-length documentary “Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception” that Davis, the radical poet and journalist who moved from Chicago to Hawaii in the 1940s, is the biological and ideological father of Barack Obama, not the Kenyan Barack Obama, who came from Africa in 1959 to attend the University of Hawaii.

        As WND has also reported Gilbert believes 2994 Kalihi Street was the location where Davis took a series of nude photographs of a teenage Ann Dunham, the future mother of Barack Obama.

        As documented by political scientist Paul Kengor’s book, “The Communist,” published in July, Davis was a card-carrying member of the Communist Party of the USA.

        The Burroughs letters

        Archivists at the DuSable identified for Gilbert two handwritten letters Davis wrote to Burroughs, one dated Nov. 1, 1968, and the other Oct. 27, 1982, seen in their entirety here, in both the handwritten originals and transcribed.

        In the 1968 letter, Davis admits to Burroughs that he is the author of “Sex Rebel: Black,” published that year by Greenleaf Classics in San Diego under the pen name Bob Greene.

        In the second paragraph of the 1968 letter, Davis explains to Burroughs not only that he is the author of the book, but that their sexual relationship in Chicago dating back to the 1940s was the basis for the fictional character Flo, introduced into the novel at page 109.

        Davis wrote:

        Incidentally, my thoroughly erotic autobiography appeared in July. It’s SEX REBEL: BLACK and was brought out by Greenleaf Classics in San Diego. Because it’s what some people call pornography, (I call it erotic realism) it may not be available at more conservative book stores. The author is ‘Bob Greene’ and in it you are ‘Flo.’ I have tried to be honest although I changed names and some descriptions, etc. You will find out things about me sexually you probably never suspected – but in this wider acceptance of sexual attitudes I can be far more frank than was possible 20 years ago.

        If you get a chance to read SEX REBEL I hope you will be pleased with the portrait of yourself. You were and are a very unique and remarkable woman and for the first time you will learn of the confusion in my mind about you and Helen and what I really wanted but could not have because of the nature of our society. Today – or if attitudes had been different then – I would have handled it differently. The only fiction is in the last part of SEX REBEL where I am supposedly in California. And, incidentally, to keep the record straight, I’m still swinging and have quite a list of correspondents, some of whom I hope to see next year.

        The Helen mentioned in the letter is a reference to Helen Canfield, a white Chicago socialite who was also a card-carrying member of the Communist Party of the USA.

        When Davis and Canfield wed in 1946, Canfield was 23 years old, 18 years younger than Davis; Davis and Canfield divorced in 1970, and Canfield died in 1998.

        Life-based pornography?

        “This letter establishes clearly that the pornographic novel Davis wrote was autobiographical in nature and based on sexual relations and events that actually occurred in his life,” Gilbert told WND. “Without documentation like this, determining what is true and what is autobiographical fiction remains problematic.”

        Gilbert has argued that the affair Davis describes in “Sex Rebel: Black” involving an underage girl named “Anne” is very suggestive of Stanley Ann Dunham.

        In a compilation of Davis poems published in the book “Black Moods,” compiled by his biographer, University of Kansas English Professor John Edgar Tidwell, are 37 “portraits” grouped in a section subtitled “Horizontal Cameos.” Each poem is dedicated to a different woman identified by her first name only. The second of these is dedicated to “Anne,” reading as follows:


        In the gangling hours Thin, adolescent hours Before night runs softly Away into the west Anne rises wearily From her tired bed And sleeps Sitting in a chair.

        “If ‘Flo’ was based on Margaret Burroughs,” Gilbert argues, “then I consider it very possible the character of ‘Anne’ is based on Ann Dunham.”

        The 1982 letter confirms his propensity for underage sexual relationships. Then 76 years old, Davis provides details to Burroughs of a sexual relationship he was then having with an underage girl in Hawaii.

        In the penultimate paragraph of the letter, Davis bragged to Burroughs about his affair:

        “Currently my No. 1 woman here is a gorgeous and sexy girl with a face like Brooke Shields who became 17 two weeks ago today. But girls here develop early and rapidly. I have had my eye on her since I first saw her at 13. I knew she would be a mind blower. I didn’t see her again until March of this year and then things began. We had a real wild time for 6 ½ months despite her youth. It has now calmed down but we still maintain a ‘working’ relationship. This girl is Hawaii, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and Irish.”

        Ann Dunham, born Nov. 29, 1942, was 18 years old when Barack Obama was born on Aug. 4, 1961.

        (bold emphasis added in the above two paragraphs)

        View the complete article at:
        Last edited by bsteadman; 08-21-2012, 01:34 PM.
        B. Steadman


        • #5
          More confusion about Obama's real father

          Who is the dad who taught him to 'love jazz'?


          Jerome R. Corsi


          "His father taught him to love jazz?

          So claims an email dispatched this week from the Obama campaign soliciting a donation for a chance to have “Dinner with Barack,” with airfare “on us.”

          But the claim is not credible, contends Joel Gilbert, whose documentary “Dreams from My Real Father” has just been released.

          “How is this possible?” Gilbert asked.

          “Obama’s official life story claims he was with Barack Obama, the Kenyan, only one time, in the early 1970s, and then briefly, for a week or 10 days,” he explained.

          “How was that enough time to teach 9-year-old Obama to love jazz music? Besides, jazz is uniquely American. Besides, what evidence is there the Kenyan dug Coltrane?”

          Nevertheless, on Monday Gilbert received an email solicitation from Julianna Smoot, deputy campaign manager of Obama for America.

          The same announcement also was posted on the campaign website, encouraging voters to try to win a dinner with President Obama.

          Smoot spelled out some of the benefits the winner will enjoy.

          “You can learn a lot: His dad taught him to love jazz, his girls get crazy-embarrassed when he dances or sings in public, his dream job is starting point guard for the Chicago Bulls – and he really looks forward to sharing these meals with supporters like you.”

          Gilbert’s first reaction was to assume the Obama campaign was conceding to the major premise of his documentary: that Frank Marshall Davis was the real, biological and ideological father of Barack Obama, not Barack Obama, the Kenyan, who came from Africa in 1959 to attend the University of Hawaii in Honolulu.

          “There can be no arguing that there never was an opportunity for the Kenyan Obama to teach Barry to love jazz,” Gilbert told WND. “However, there was a man who raised Obama who was a jazz aficionado, his name was Frank Marshall Davis.”

          Gilbert viewed the ad as a breakthrough.

          “It appears the Obama campaign is finally admitting I’m right, that Frank Marshall Davis, the Communist Party USA propagandist and Marxist, was his real father. So there you have it, Obama is a red diaper baby.”
          - (bold emphasis added)

          In contrast to the Kenyan Obama, Frank Marshall Davis was widely recognized as a lover of jazz and an expert.

          Davis befriended jazz musicians in Chicago, where he was a DJ for a short time on a jazz radio station, WJJD.

          After coming to Hawaii in 1948 to help organize the communist-controlled ILWU trade union, Davis wrote a column in the communist-run Honolulu Record newspaper in which he regularly wrote about jazz."


          View the complete article at:

          B. Steadman


          • #6

            The Evidence Vault


            Thanks to Gary Wilmott at Give Us Liberty for the reference to the article and embedded video -

            View the complete 'Evidence Vault' article, including video, at:

            B. Steadman


            • #7
              Video: Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception

              Published on Apr 24, 2012 by jgil14

              View the video at:



              "At age 18, Barack Obama admittedly arrived at Occidental College a committed revolutionary Marxist. What was the source of Obama's foundation in Marxism? Throughout his 2008 Presidential campaign and term in office, questions have been raised regarding Barack Obama's family background, economic philosophy, and fundamental political ideology. Dreams from My Real Father is the alternative Barack Obama "autobiography," offering a divergent theory of what may have shaped our 44th President's life and politics.

              In Dreams from My Real Father, Barack Obama is portrayed by a voiceover actor who chronicles Barack Obama's life journey in socialism, from birth through his election to the Presidency. The film begins by presenting the case that Barack Obama's real father was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist who likely shaped Obama's world view during his formative years. Barack Obama sold himself to America as the multi-cultural ideal, a man who stood above politics. Was the goat herding Kenyan father only a fairy tale to obscure a Marxist agenda, irreconcilable with American values?

              This fascinating narrative is based in part on 2 years of research, interviews, newly unearthed footage and photos, and the writings of Davis and Obama himself. Dreams of My Real Father weaves together the proven facts with reasoned logic and speculation in an attempt to fill-in the obvious gaps in Obama's history. Is this the story Barack Obama should have told, revealing his true agenda for "fundamentally transforming America?" Director Joel Gilbert concludes, "The 'Birthers' have been on a fool's errand. To understand Obama's plans for America, the question is not 'Where's the Birth Certificate?,' the question is 'Who is the real father?'"
              B. Steadman


              • #8
                Video: Fever Dreams From My Real Father: Joel Gilbert's Lies and Exotique's Photos of "Ann Dunham"

                Published on Oct 15, 2012 by Loren Collins


                "Joel Gilbert's "Dreams From My Real Father" may be the most dishonest piece of political propaganda this election season. And it is not merely spin, or even sincere partisanship; Gilbert simply fabricates large chunks of his film, and the central argument of his film is one that he KNOWS is false. He claims that he discovered photos of Obama's mother that were taken in late 1960 and were published in Exotique. But as this video shows, the very same photos he spotlights were, in fact, published in Exotique in 1958, when Ann was a mere 15-year-old living over 2000 miles away from the place where Gilbert says the photos were taken.

                I apologize that this version of the video contains no actual images from Gilbert's film, but Gilbert had YouTube remove my original video, which included a short clip of one of Gilbert's advertisements. But as I continue fighting on that front, please enjoy this video that is free of any copyrighted images belonging to Gilbert or his company, Highway 61."

                Joel Gilbert vs. The Complete Exotique

                Loren Collins


                Fever Dreams From My Real Father: Joel Gilbert's Lies and Exotique's Photos of "Ann Dunham"

                Published on Oct 16, 2012 by Loren Collins

                Joel Gilbert's film may be the most dishonest piece of political propaganda this election season. And it is not merely spin, or even sincere partisanship; Gilbert simply fabricates large chunks of his film, and the central argument of his film is one that he KNOWS is false. He claims that he discovered photos of Obama's mother that were taken in late 1960 and were published in Exotique. But as this video shows, the very same photos he spotlights were, in fact, published in Exotique in 1958, when Ann was a mere 15-year-old living over 2000 miles away from the place where Gilbert says the photos were taken.
                B. Steadman


                • #9
                  Joel Gilbert has posted the following statement on his webpage identified as 'Breaking News 2' - 'The Intimate Ann Dunham - Frank Marshall Davis Relationship' (

                  "publication dates listed in 1998 Exotique retrospective collection are inconsistent with original magazine dates"

                  Mr. Gilbert claims in his video, 'Dreams from My Real Father' that ALL the photos of Ann Dunham shown in the video were taken by Frank Marshall Davis in his house in Honolulu, Hawaii in December 1960.

                  The above reproduced posting by Mr. Gilbert could possibly explain the reason that Loren Collins on 'Barackryphal' stated (reference: the immediately preceding post in this thread) that the Exotique photos of the 'seductively clad woman', who Gilbert also claims is Ann Dunham, were listed as being published in 1958, at least two years before Gilbert claims they were taken. However, I question Gilbert's 'publication date inconsistency' explanation.

                  SPECULATION: I agree with Gilbert that the 'Nude' series of photos of Ann were very likely shot in December 1960, in FMD's house when she was just a few weeks pregnant with BHO-II. Christmas decorations are shown in some of the photos. Ann looks quite mature, confident and relaxed. Though almost totally naked, she shows an open mouth, genuine, casual smile in most, if not all the photos in this series.

                  However, I believe the 'Seductively Clad' series of photos of a woman claimed to be Ann may actually be of another woman, based on the information I saw posted on the following website and also on several other corroborating websites.

                  Wikipedia: Exotique

                  Publication of Exotique, in its original form, ceased in 1959 so it seems impossible the photos of the 'Seductively-Clad' woman, identified by Gilbert to be Ann Dunham, could have been taken in December 1960

                  It appears, from the information provided by 'Barackryphal', that the photos of the 'Seductively Clad' woman were taken in about 1958 rather than 1960. Ann Dunham was a sophomore at Mercer Island High School in the state of Washington for much of 1958. It is possible, of course, that she could have traveled to Honolulu in the summer of 1958 as a 15-year-old to have pictures taken at FMD's house, but highly unlikely.

                  See also my post - 'Photos: Ann Dunham, IMO, is NOT the Seductively-Clad Woman Photographed by FMD':

                  Updated 11/01/2012
                  B. Steadman


                  • #10
                    DNA Skin Tags Frank Marshall Davis as Obama's Papa

                    Published 11/18/2013 by ATLAHWorldwide
                    B. Steadman


                    • #11
                      Image Credit: The Washington Post
                      December 2012

                      President Is ‘Tobacco Free,’ and ‘Fit at 50,’ Doctor Finds

                      The New York Times

                      Helene Cooper


                      ... And, the doctor reported, Mr. Obama has had benign skin tags removed from his neck. - (bold emphasis added)

                      View the complete article at:

                      B. Steadman


                      • #12
                        Shock: Fmr Breitbart Journo Did Extensive DNA Research; Will Destroy Obama’s Legacy!?

                        Birther Report



                        Another update on the Breitbart News Network Obama ID fraud cover-up scandal. As reported here some Obots started probing investigative journalist Charles C Johnson about the claims BNN refused to publish his Obama findings. It was reported here that Johnson was hired by Andrew Breitbart to debunk the Birther issue.

                        Dr. Orly Taitz reports: Update 3 the reason Writer Charles C. Johnson is not talking now, is because he is writing a book and preparing to launch a website

                        A number of Obama operatives where questioning, why Writer Charles C. Johnson is not talking to a wider audience about Obama’s bogus IDs.

                        Johnson sent a short tweet to someone:

                        Charles C. Johnson ‏@ChuckCJohnson 2h
                        @CrushTheCFR @jkryn @HGTomato When I have something to announce, I’ll announce

                        The reason Johnson is not talking now, is because he is writing a book and he stated at the same meeting at the Riviera Country Club that this book will destroy Obama’s legacy and what we know about Obama. He also stated that he is also preparing to launch a web site together with the filmmaker Joel Gilbert. Gilbert is the producer and director of the movie “Dreams from my REAL Father”, where he claims that devout communist and writer of some perverted sexual memoirs, Frank Marshall Davis, is Obama’s biological father.

                        As a matter of fact at the same meeting Johnson stated that he also did extensive DNA research. He claimed that he found that dark pigmentation spots that can be seen on Frank Marshall Davis’s face and Obama’s face, is a genetic trait seen in the Western Africa and not seen in Kenya, where Obama Sr. resided. -
                        (bold and color emphasis added in the two preceding paragraphs)

                        Attorney Orly Taitz is not a proponent of this theory, she never did this research and she heard about this genetic research for the first time during a lecture given by Charles C. Johnson to Republican women at the Riviera Country club in Pacific Palisades. Taitz does not know when exactly the book is scheduled to be released, but her understanding that the format will be similar to the book “Why Coolidge Matters”. [.] Dr. Orly Taitz.

                        Birther Report: Dr. Taitz left out some of Charles C Johnson's tweet posted in her press release, full tweet reads;

                        Johnson has been battling a couple Obots on Twitter attempting to Alinsky him into denouncing the issue...

                        My advice to Johnson:

                        Johnson's reply:


                        View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

                        B. Steadman


                        • #13
                          Gilbert-Shattering: Maricopa County Sheriff's CCP Confirms Nude Obama Mama Pics Not Her

                          Birther Report



                          Carl Gallups reports Maricopa County Sheriff's CCP now have forensic digital evidence that the purported nude photos of Obama's mother Stanley Ann Dunham are not her. If you recall filmmaker Joel Gilbert publicized that communist Frank Marshall Davis took nude photos of Obama's mother and published them in bondage magazines.

                          As WND reported in 2012:

                          Gilbert reports he has recently discovered racy photos in vintage fetish and bondage magazines of Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, that he believes were taken by Davis. The photos, he says, bolster his belief that Dunham had an intimate relationship with Davis.

                          I'm told the expert was unable to adequately analyze the straight on shots for full facial recognition, however, the expert was able to analyze the ears of the model in the photos and Obama's mother and concludes they do no match.

                          AUDIO ...:
                          ( Audio via Freedom Friday @ WEBY. )

                          Carl Gallups later noted that Sheriff Arpaio's lead Obama investigator Mike Zullo will appear on Freedom Friday either next Friday or the following Friday to discuss in detail these latest findings and more.

                          View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

                          B. Steadman


                          • #14
                            Malik Obama interviewed by Director Joel Gilbert (Dreams from My Real Father)

                            Published on Apr 22, 2015 by 'Joel Gilbert'


                            In this "tell all" interview with Director Joel Gilbert, Malik Obama, the "half-brother" of President Obama, reveals his pain and confusion over Barack's shunning of his Kenyan family after becoming President. Malik provides a stunning take on the film, Dreams from My Real Father, stating "Frank Marshall Davis and Barack look alike" and adds that Barack does not look like his father. Malik says he would like a DNA test so the truth can come come out. Malik also states that Barack is "deceptive" and "has not been an honest man.” In the interview, Malik displays an early manuscript he helped edit of Barack's book Dreams from My Father with a different title. Malik Obama, also known as Abon'go (Roy) Obama, was born in 1958. He is the first child from the marriage of Barack Hussein Obama and Kezia Obama. Malik and Barack first met in 1985 when Barack flew from Chicago to Washington DC to visit Malik. Malik later hosted Barack in Kenya and they served as the best men at each other's weddings. Barack wrote of his lifelong relationship with Malik (Roy) in Dreams from My Father. - (bold and color emphasis added)

                            Link to transcript of the video:

                            B. Steadman

